BLURQUEENS UNITED Bananas and socks are cool.Exercising is stressful. Sweet 13.OLD.Parents were happiest the day i was born 17 july 1994. waddle/smoky aka yellow house(attratcs flies) loved by god.WOOHOO. Yangzheng primary. Clumsy and cant do a push up.rather depressed bout it. Love too many things in this world. RGS jumps. LOVE YOU. NOT A BIMBO ![]() |
SOCIALVOICE:mini opinion circle |
Sunday, July 29, 2007 ;
WOOOOHOOOO this song is nice and weird and rocks....har...makes my flu-ish feeling just flush heaven...... FLUSH.....gosh i feel like going to HK again to is bad for health.but very gd i gotta lose weight....
but i will nvr NEVER cut down on foood even if i weighed a ton.the most i'll do is exercise
and like just dance and walk down the hallway for fun till my mum scolds me and says my singing is like a horse as its so hoarse and my auntie scolds me and says that my dancing isnt very much likie dancing and tat it is blocking her frm vacuming the hse...bla bla bla....sniff
the whole world does not appreciate my talents at all!!!....ONE DAY...they will see....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA....
is my dancing really tat bad???i feel its pretty gd...hmph....
you know wad my mum told my tuition teacher!!!!!!!here's what she said....
how can ESther dance, she barely is able to walk properly without falling,tripping over sign boards OR walking straight into 'CAUTION! WET FLOOR' signs...and she always spills water whenever she carries it.....
HELLLLLLOOOOOOO!!! I have my pride too haha....fine so i kinda clumsy..but its my dads fault!!!he's like this too!!!有其父必有其女
boohooo.....ive got the flu...and i cant go to church....or sch!!!so i'll jus study at home...don wish to go into the aircon rm....cough cough cough....
and then cum out with not jus me but everyone else also going cough cough cough...
haiz.....sacrifice....sniff sniff....blow blow....
ITS JUS SO PAINFUL....but its for the gd of everyone...HAAAAARRRRR.......
haahhaaaa and last wk's gym classs was fun...we were like waving across the rm.
first we were feathers.then we were elephants...
and shivani and her pack of funnies werre like indian dancing across the rm HAHA.weird.
COUGH MEDICINE really doesn taste nice...luckily i can gobble down raisins after tat.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007 ;
speaker speaker you are so blue like a honeydew.... lit suz....anyway my speaker isnt being very SPEAklish and cooperative here!!
its not speaking to me when it should!!! wonder where's all the sound gone to....
maybe it need strepsils....hmmm.....
my bro is crying AGAIN as he misses his old shoe...the one he had when he was three...aww.. BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 2:31 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007 ;
AAAAHHHHHmy teeth hurt.jus visited the sch's dentist...
think he didn fill it properly...anyway
sry i didn update on nationals
shall post the fotos sometime soon
jus tat no time
well even if i hav time
i should be doing theory and practising piano or studying
for a brighter future!so yes actually im stressing myself out
cuz now im studying like xiao
tats why no time to post or wadever ..... yup!
wish me luck!!! I have in mind half of what i might want to do when im old...hehe...
and i just had yoshinoya..=] is tat how u spell it??sry im not very observant
today has been a cold cold day....brrrrr.....all the rain...
haha yesterday tho whole hse was screaming away cuz of a cockroach and everyone wad stuck in the toilet
but when it WENT into the toilet we screamed more and retreated into the bath cubicle
and screamed louder....
PLUS PLUS PLUS.not too long ago crystal drew elmo without hair-.-
way to go crystal
and christine said she was depriving him of his hair
way to go christine....
and charis sat there with her broken finger.....
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 ;
MaMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!this is devastating!!!though i shall try my best to look on the bright side of life...
which apparently isnt very bright!!!
I feel myself feeling something i've nvr felt b4!(or maybe i did feel it just tat it wasn obvious enuf)
I am not just one...but ONE year older...booohoooo.....luckily i still look the same...
well to me at least...should start thinking bout my future...
like how many babies should i have hmmm....ok none of your bees wax!!
plus this is bad...i got my forth booking today for attire....haiz...
so now....i have a beta record!!!
drama class was fun=] BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 6:35 AM
HAHAHA today is me birthday!!oh really esther??
why yes esther NO 2!!!
happy birthday esther no 1 then.!!
happy birthday back to you esther no 2!!!
thankk you!!!
u're welcome!!thank you too!!!
you're welcome!!!!
wat do u like??
i love to eat...wat do u like??
I love to eat=]
wow we can be twins!!
we are practically the same person...-.- BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 4:10 AM
Sunday, July 15, 2007 ;
WAAAAAAAAAhhhh...couldnt wake up today for youth...couldnt even open my eyes, not to mention move my hand....i was supposed to go swimming today was i suppossed to know that the more you sit the lazier you get and the harder it is for you to get up and then before you know it, you're asleep.haiz. BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 7:06 AMFriday, July 13, 2007 ;
why are we so fixated about who is gay???stop being silly.we must look at all the other aspects of their life!!not just go like...E! he's gay! or something like i mean do you noe how many gay poets there are???HAHAHAHA who am i kidding ok tat was like lame -.- i dont really like literature anyway.... BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 6:45 AM
HAHAHA e few days ago we had homosexuality talk with miss picca in lit class...when we werediscussing bout what we would think about when we say RED and this rachel jus shouted out IT REMINDS ME OF MY FRIEND WHO IS GAY and thus the GAY tok began... BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 6:44 AM
HAHAHA e few days ago we had homosexuality talk with miss picca in lit class...when we were talking about something related to red and rachel jus shouted out MY FRIEND WHO IS GAY and thus the GAY tok began... BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 6:44 AM
well as all of you can see...with your eyes very...eeeerrrrmm....NOT TAGGED....YES! tats it! not tagged...but nvm...
this means everything i say....only a small tiny tweenie amt of ppl will read...
which isnt TOOOOOOOOO bad since i mean...yah in case i say sumthing bad.... BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 6:41 AM
drum roll please!!!! da da da da da da da ... DADADADADA....FEllow mates and folkspeople and merry men NOT forgetting merry women...(hehe)
We are gathered here in this erm small place....MY BLOG.....but yet!!!
so dedicate a post....(this post u dumb ass!!)
to our (well actually mine...well actually..ok nvm!)
wonderful powerful nice kind hearted generous pretty and slim long haired chinese and RGS/RJS graduates with integrity...ok bla bla bla.....(noe it sounds so good but still...IM better...hehe jkjk!!)
OUR LOVELY MISS ER(relief teacher of our physics teacher) AND EEEERRRR AAAAAAhhh ok well so i forgot her name
but another teacher (who is the relief teacher of our relief teacher of our physics teacher) TO TELL THEM WE LOVE THEM SO!!!!well at least i do...
i mean duh-.-we can eat in they are nice..they dun scold us
AND they are 19??????waiting patiently to go to university.... BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 6:30 AM
Charis thinks christine suffers from pupil dialation liek watever tat is...AND im such a failure at unartistic.....
like i can only draw roundish square things!!!which means....
my drawing is so bad....i can draw circles which are pretty squarish and squares which are pretty circlish but no squarish squares and no circly circles...NO . ENTIRELY>.<
ooh plus i exercised alot today woohooo!!!but i look pretty much the same...
guess it takes time...ALOT OF TIME..i mean...
look at the layer of fats!!!but wad can i do..????i cant help but eat ALOT ALOT ALOT whenever i see food....obssesive compulsiver order????i dunno....dun even noe wad tat means..heh heh.. BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 6:25 AM
TMR IS A DAY OF A PAIN.....PAIN......PAIN!!!!sniff sniff.....GOD!be wif me!!! Im like gonna go see uncle SK and he's gonna like in ject my ear cuz...
ok i shall not tell u!!personal!!!
but it is PAINFUL!!!but its mum tells me to think of the outcomes..not the process.
but how can i ignore the pain!!! the pain!!!! all the pain!!! only lasts 3 seconds....BUT....3 painful seconds mind u!!
ok im stressed up after tat...frm paragon im gonna go all the way
with my hurting ear, i mean EARS, to tanjong katong and do my braces...
beauty comes with a price...tho i'll look pretty much the same...hehe
OOH!and im so sad...cant sit with gina anymore, sitting with parisa and she looked HOT in a like squash skirt or sumthing sumthing like dat...dunno wad tat was...BUT HENG AH! she's nice...
jus tat now when i look to the left, instead of a smiling gina...i see....the flooooooooorrrrr...haiz...
AND AND AND I HAVE NO ONE TO BORROW hole puncher from...mus think of a
BAN FA!!!how can i survive like without hole puncher? BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 6:19 AM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 ;
im so short!!!I havent grown an inch like since the beginning of the year!!! BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 4:13 AMTuesday, July 10, 2007 ;
and bro is like crying now....why u may ask????haha its because he was showering...well my mum was showering him
and he suddenly thought of his not so matured voice compared to his voice which is so not matured too and started to cry because he misses his like 4 yr old voice
and hi is like erm 6 now'???
oh and he also uses whitening lotion which my mum buys for him
bcuz he doesn like his tan
which he gets from all that swimming...
and kirsten is getting a new bed!!!!
like some pinkish barbie doll one
IM sooooo depressed....
im a mere non towering 160cm...
like so short!!!!
why cant i grow taller!!??!? I aim to grow 1 CM NEXT MONTH!
wish me all the best.....=] and i have a sudden craving for jelly tots...they rock!!!
so do smarties and and and gummy bears
gummy worms gummy dinosaurs gummy cola bottles and other gummies... BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 5:13 AM
HAHAHA okaay...Lim Min is like super pro with maths while mine is a total failure
I still count my fingers apparently which is super duper embarrassing!!
And charis was like so funny...she broke her left 3rd and 4th finger
and it's all because of crystal HAHAHHA
ya well they were like running about in class and crystal just RAMMED into wad the!!
how can ur fingers break from just a little bit of ramming???!!??
FINE so maybe a HUGE bit of ramming....
random but....MY STUDIES SUCk
im like failing in sec 1 though its super easy compared to the years to come-.-
cant wait to go JC....then can wear ankle socks!!!!
and the track suite was pretty nice not to mention expensive!!!its like black all over with a raffles word at the bck..pls
later ppl think i showing off or something....
WHY DID marcus have to go to england boohooO!!!! BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 5:09 AM
I can hold this feeling for you no longerAnd yet i have not told you so of how I feel
Maybe thats what makes the hurting so bad
I want to see you more each day
As you walk down the road
My little heart races
....and off i go to watch tv......
still feeling depressed
wishing the cats would stop meowing BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 5:02 AM
Monday, July 9, 2007 ;
YESTERDAY!went to charis's house to do some meaths thing and i tell you...I'm so blur...was like talking on the train with crystal when i missed my stop so i said i'd get off at the next stop and take a stop bck but unfortunately....i missed two stops...hehe...i cant tell my parents or they woudn let me go to australia=]oh yes and this is officially another one of those sad days...SAD DAYS.marcus....dear marcus and kirsten...dear kirsten.....have gone to the airport to take their plane to england for two months!!! least when they get back...i'll show them ive lost weight!WooohooO!!!but kirsten is such a nice and loving girl...really gonna miss her much...marcus ....well....he's not bad looking....NOT BAD AH!!! never say anything besides tat.....haha...well known them for pretty long already.....6 yrs???BYE GUYS!!!!and they got matching suitcases...hehe pink and marcus is some rugged green colour which i chose okaay!!so....i also bet they'd like fight on the plane the whole time there esp since they are going alone.....but i bet marcus wont sleep at all...he'd be up watching movies....and their flight is at about 11pm??so maybe they'll reach there at 1pm??i maths is horrible... BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 5:18 AM
Friday, July 6, 2007 ;
HAPPY EARTH DAY!!!green green!!!! i jus realised i've got NONONONO green t shirts at all....except for a jacket... BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 7:32 AMWednesday, July 4, 2007 ;
HAHAHA okaaay jus to let u mum thinks the sky is blue cuz the clouds are white...well bcuz my bro wanted to noe why the sky was white...anyway....they're junior monopolying aaway now...hehe.PLUS......the MONA LISA scares tt freaky smile of her...eyer makes me shiver....haha and miss picca said tt she likes SIR salman rushdie....weird name the british gave him the "SIR" there lol like SIR alex fergason or sumthing...(is tat how u spell it ?? or is it furgason...sry bad at football!) BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 1:10 AM;
LIFEE this week was quite a bore....HAR! i tell u besides like dim sum sushi and chicken rice and prawn noodles...i really don noe auite alot of other food like erm kebab...sounds like rojak...and mee sum sotong thing etc etc...haiz.and crystal's dad is so funny!!!she was in his room and there was tis bk he bought which says on the front page...WHY DO GUYS HAVE NIPPLES...SO FUNNY LA!like wad the....maybe it isnt entirely bout...ahem!for eg my dad had this book wif a huge elephant on the front page and sum weird title but the book is bout stocks -.- ooh and geog test was hard today...mugged for like super long and in the end it lasted for like half an hour only wad a total waste of my precious time!yeah and we're finally changing seats!now can sit wif crystal tat complete bozo!and laff at all her weird drawings hehe.oh and youth day bbq was pretty sarah and bethanie went to her hse and said alot of things i will not say...ONE PARTICULAR news i heard made me so depresssed im still depressed up to now...haiz....why is life so unfair!!?!? BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 1:00 AMMonday, July 2, 2007 ;
auntie ponsire is like so damn RICH!!!!ahyoyoyoy....u noe jabriel and maneera when they hav like only one tiny spot on their face..they straight away go and see uncle SK!!! ex...but he's so nice...whenever their customer's BD cums...they send a BD duh! their so rich...own the whole floor of that building next to paragon...oh yes and jabriel is gonna be his worst face his fears!!! so on halloween bck in saudi arabia...he had planned to be a girl!!!lol.and maneera...-.-....she's gonna be an M&M...yes a huge she's gonna be walking round like a huge M&M....BUT not jus any M&M...a BLUE one...HAHAHA...they're gonna get it frm the coztume shop nxt door...oh and when they came to s'pore....they sat first maneera and jabriel don even noe wad economy class and other classes of the aeroplane look like cuz since born...they've been in first class!!!spoilt much!!and and not done....they rented a service apartment here right behindaragon which costs $10 000 A MONTH!!!! and they'll be staying here for like a few months till their summer break ends ...haiz.....PLUS! im still depressed.... BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 4:14 AM
HOMECOOK FOOD by mama!just what i need to ease my growling tummy and depressed soul...and i cant believe my brother..looking at the food...can crawl under the drawer and complain he has no pizza to eat...WAD! i mean like WAD! of course pizza is nice AND FATTENING but nothing is better to ease a depressed soul and growling tummy like MAMA's food.
FISH!!!oooohhhhh I LOVE FISH!DOn't u just love fish!Fish rock!i love fish!u like fish rite?LOVELOVELOVE is in the air.especially steamed fish!fried is also nice!!SUSHIII!!!!! I love sushi!!raw fish!!baked fish!cooked fish!expensive fish!!not so expensive fish!FISHCAKE!!!FISHBALL!!!FISHICLES!!!fish shaped gummy!!! haven....
errrrr...this is....sumthing edible...don noe what tis is but ya...its nice too!!!and if you're thinking its tofu..well...ITS NOT TOFU...BCUZ...i don like tofu...NO...tofu is a nokie dokie!!!
i do not noe wad this is but it is nice!!!duh -.- ... i came bck frm track and was liek starving mad!!!tho i ate like ALOT of prawn noodle b4 i went but i have fast digestion!!!!! so i cant be blamed hehe...ooohh its veggie!!veggies rock!!they're so....GREEn....good for eyes WAHAHA....
Sunday, July 1, 2007 ;

.jpg)
okaaaay...i wanna cry!!!why cant the yzps athletics girls just cum to rgs!!y did we have to split!! why oh why!!training was so horribly fun!!
8:55 AM
haiz...nvr felt this sad in a long long time...since dinosaurs roamed the earth....gone...GONE...all hope is lost.just lost! emotional wreck at the moment. BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 8:25 AM;
OKAY!!!this officially sucks......1.MY FUTURE HUSBAND 1 IS NOT ONLINE!!!
all alone... so lonely..all alone..LONELY...SO LONELY...nobody to love me!! BANZAIBANZAIBANZAI at 2:23 AM
